Many people don't know that buying counterfeit luxury items could pose serious health risks. These copycat manufacturers do not undergo the same rigorous testing that legitimate manufacturers follow to ensure that all items produced are safe for human use.
Can you spot fake bags
Look out for sloppy, loose, or jagged stitching.
Slanted and uneven stitching is a sign of a poorly-made, fake bag. When you're looking at a designer bag, the stitching will always be high quality. For the designer to keep a pristine reputation, they have to consistently sell quality products.
Do fake bags have codes
Chanel bags have hologram serial numbers that match with a separate authenticity card, while a Louis Vuitton bag has a date code to indicate the factory code and date it was manufactured. That said, just because an item has a date code does not guarantee that it's authentic since many counterfeit items have date codes.
What happens if you buy a fake bag
Can you sell fake bags if you say they are fake
What to do if you bought a fake bag
How do I know if my bag is real
Why you shouldn’t buy fakes
Why you should not buy fake
Are replica items legal
Do customs seize fake goods
What happens if you get caught selling fake bags
How can you tell a fake brand
Is it okay to buy fake products
Is it OK to buy fake products